Monday, June 07, 2004

Why Preschool Rocks

So we’re at the festival yesterday, and the Big One spots the face painters. I had avoided the hour-long line the previous day by promising “Mama will paint your face with special magic paint (i.e. old lipsticks) at home!” But there weren’t many kids waiting, so I figured what the heck. Face painting is one of those things that is annoying to parents, who have to wash the grime off of pillowcases, but is truly marvelous to kids. Plus, it was free.

She tells the painter that she wants a butterfly. “You mean on your cheek, here?” the painter asked. “No, I want my whole face to be a butterfly.” The painter outlined the butterfly with black paint and then asked what color she wanted the body to be. Of course, PURPLE. “I don’t have purple, honey. Could we use pink instead?” “Well,” the small person replied, “you can MAKE purple, you know.” “Really, and how exactly would I do that?” the painter said, with a faintly incredulous smile. “You take the red and the blue and you mix them together. Then you will get PURPLE.”

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