Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Beginning of the End of the Not Sleeping, Maybe

I have decided to teach the Wee One how to fall asleep at night without nursing, so that theoretically I might one day be able to leave her with another person and know that she will not spend the entire sleepy time screaming. I know that many of you think I should have already done this. I know that many of you probably think it’s weird that I’m still nursing her at all, since she can walk, climb on top of the kitchen table in less than ten seconds, and drive a stick shift.

So, filled with fear and trepidation, I nursed her the other night in the rocking chair, telling her all the while that “When we’re all done with milk we’re going to go upstairs and just fall asleep, like the Biggie!” And that’s what we did. She squirmed, yelled for ten minutes, and then, miraculously, settled into a quiet state during which she stared into my eyes while I sang “Wheels on the Bus” approximately forty times. The next night, there was no yelling at all. I am in shock.

I have spent such a long time functioning on so little sleep that I don’t know what I’ll do with myself when I get a solid eight hours a night. What do you people do, you with the sleeping and the restfulness? Will the bags under my eyes disappear? Will I stop telling everyone everything twice?

Will I stop telling everyone everything twice?

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