Friday, September 01, 2006


I posted an ad in the sidebar, my first ever since the Google ads Fart Doll Debacle. It is for a super-cute Canadian company that makes cloth menstrual pads and sells other pleasing non-disposable girly products. I have tried this stuff, and I am never, ever going back.

No, I have not sold them my soul. And no, it is not gross.

Check 'em out.


J said...

Heh...I just posted to their blog...

Anonymous said...

The Keeper rocks. That's all I'm gonna say.

-JH, TMI queen.

Lisa said...

I will take your word for it!

I checked out the site, and they are way too pretty to be used for that!

J said...

Ha, ha!! Ha! HA!! I think I've finally figured the darn thing out. Yippeee!!!

fat_toad said...

thanks ... they will hear from ( me!