Friday, February 03, 2006

To continue in the current vein of relative unimportance...

Upon serious contemplation, I really have to say that rather than Kiki's Delivery Service, a much more endlessly watchable film is Totoro. There. That's been bugging me all day.

Oh, and a much weirder habit than getting up at 4 am would be my obsession with organizing the groceries on the converyer belt at the store. I group them by type and weight, with the heaviest items, such as cans and boxes, first. Frozen items go next, all together so they end up in the same bag. Then dairy, then durable fruits and vegetables, then those of a more fragile sort. Lastly, chicken/fish/meat/eggs.


J said...

I usually do canned goods, then frozen goods and stuff I think they'll squish last...-m

Nicole said...

Strangely I was just searching eBay for a Totoro or Catbus gift for Scott's (Fishsuit) birthday. Also, last night I saw Totoro t-shirts and hoodies at the local Japanese grocery. They are all blue with just his little face. The hoodie may end up being the gift.

I love that Kiki bothered you that much. I had the same reaction. Scott and I own nearly all of the Miyasaki movies available in the US and I have to say that Kiki is my least favorite. Try Nausicaa.

Linnie said...

Oh, I owe much to Kiki, meaning that she would definitely make my children's infinitely-watchable list. And I must admit I always tear up when she catches whatshisname right at the end, when it seems like he's about to splat on the ground. But it's Kirsten Dunst's (try saying that out loud) rapid-fire preadolescent yammering that gets to me. (Phil Hartman makes a good sarcastic cat, though.)